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Travel & Culture

Insights from real life travel experiences and cultural highlights

"Life's beauty draws its worth

from difference."

-Shannan Copland

Travel forces you out of your own reality and into another, inevitably and very naturally enlightening you to the larger world that does exist outside of your own. It is the gentlest giver of humility, a reminder that there is so much more out there to learn.

Welcome to the travel and culture Articles by Evari. 

As a I process these experiences through writing I hope to share the insights and intrigues that inspire lifelong learning. The world is most certainly a kaleidoscope worth exploring.

four colored dots themes for The Articles by Evari
four colored dots themes for The Articles by Evari

Author Fun Fact

Shannan and her husband, Nick, have lived in 6 countries, at 29 different addresses, traveled to more than 26 countries, and learned 1 foreign language (Italian) fluently.

They have also hosted 7 international students in their home

over the last 5 years.

couple smiling in Alberobello, Italy in front of Truli structures
couple in Verona, Italy with child
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