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  • Writer's pictureShannan Copland

Our "Why"

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Welcome to The Articles by Evari

Where we share about how "Different can be better", whether it be through life stories, travel and cultural insights, DIY How To's from Made Better, or tips and tricks we've learned as hosts in the midterm corporate housing industry.

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The number of addresses we've lived at in our 15 years of marriage can sound like a nightmare for some. And before you wonder, nope, none of our travels were military related. Our personalities separately are wide-eyed with curiosity and a desire to learn about other cultures and ways of living. And together, our thirst for adventure, especially in our early years together is considerably elevated.

The one common descriptor we hear most often of us is, "You two are the most productive couple I have ever known." Which makes us laugh. But we also intrinsically ask ourselves, "But how do we slow down?"

The Copland Family laughing after a joke at the lavender farm

Who knows which one of us cracked a joke here.

We have literally lived in six countries at 29 different addresses, visited over 26 countries, learned one foreign language fluently (Italian), founded two organizations, five companies, had two beautiful daughters, and have created countless relationships and memories all around the world.

Our "Why"

We love soaking in new cultures - learning how others live and learning new ways of doing things. Nick's family growing up hosted exchange students from all over the world his entire upbringing. I grew up in the culturally diverse SF Bay Area. And when I was young, trips to Mexico and Romania ignited a love for other cultures and a thirst to learn more. But most of all, we love people. And we love learning their stories.

Wherever we are, we love bringing people together - because others teach us so much.

Much of what we do is driven by our belief that different can be better. And that perspective can be one of the most impactful approaches to a better life.

Combine our love for hosting with Nick's entrepreneurial nature and our other talents both natural and accrued, and that is how Evari Properties was born. With five years of hosting now under our belts achieving "superhost" status with each assessment, today we host more than 10 listings in the greater Portland area and Chicago.

The Articles

So welcome to The Articles where we share our stories, travel tips, DIY projects, How to's, and extra tips and tricks we have learned being airbnb superhosts for our handful of listings.

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