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  • Writer's pictureShannan Copland

Things You Didn't Know You Needed for Your Furnished Rental

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Things we include in every listing since Covid-19

Our furnished rental journey began at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. We were really unsure if renting out the separate lower portion of our home would take off, but it did. Guests were not interested in high traffic hotels. In addition, booking platforms required hosts to follow through with specific cleaning criteria in order to even list. So we gave it a shot.

children holding signs out the apartment window in Italy "andra tutto bene"
Italy was hit hard with the pandemic but they held on with the phrase "Andra tutto bene!" ("Everything will be fine")

One of my first jobs as teenager was a janitor at the church where I grew up. It was pretty great getting to pick my own hours after school, put in some headphones, and go to town. I could get out any aggressions with how fierce I scrubbed a floor our counter, or reflect and dream and wonder without anyone interrupting me. I actually really enjoyed it. It was therapeutic in a sense. As long as I had the buildings cleaned by the next event, I got to be the boss of my time. I became an excellent cleaner and could spot anything off with just a glance.

I credit this experience plus the strong emphasis on the mantra my family oozed of, "Cleanliness is next to godliness" for my exceptional cleaning abilities. So though the pandemic was a bit scary, and definitely serious, we opted to take on guests. Medical professionals especially were looking for furnished rentals, and we were happy to provide that.

There are things we did a little differently because of the pandemic. We made choices for our furnished rentals that made guests feel like they were in a safe and clean environment, and choices that were more safe for us as the hosts making our lives a little easier.

Work smarter, not harder.

Things You Didn't Know You Needed for Your Furnished Rental

Here are some things you didn't know you needed for your furnished rental that we now include in every listing. Or maybe you did know these things and we are slow to the game? lol

These are items that may or may not have been thought of to include without the Covid scare...

Mattress Covers & Encasements

This is one of those items we would have included regardless, but it is definitely a must have. Just think about it. You have guests from all over the country (and the world) coming to sleep on that bed. Protect them and protect your assets...the mattress. Washable mattress covers that also have a waterproof lining are essential, particularly if your property is family or pet friendly. If you want to go one step further, get a mattress encasement as well and put that under the mattress cover. This will protect against bed bugs and keep your mattress cleaner, for longer.

Pillow Protectors

I actually didn't know these were a thing until 2020. I would always just double up on a pillow case to protect my pillows and put a layer under the "official" pillow case. But you can purchase pillow protectors that are waterproof, have zippers and are washable to protect your pillows. They are great. Oh, but don't get the crunchy ones...check to be sure the case is soft and not crackly. No one wants a crackly least I wouldn't. Here are some pillow protectors that we have purchased that come in a handy 4 pack and are waterproof.

Duvets & Washable Comforters

My husband actually hates duvets. Ha! But they have come a long way and their practicality wins. As long as you get ones that actually have good strings or buttons that securely connect the comforter insert to the duvet cover it's fine. We also purchase washable comforters for maximum freshness. This way, you can just wash the duvet as needed. Then as necessary, wash the comforter as well. It keeps your bedding fresh and does wear down the quality of your comforter as quickly.

Now, I will say if you live in a warmer part of the country, then don't use these. Get quilts (textured!) that are washable and that dry fast. This will be very helpful to you when getting ready for the next guest. Which leads me to another backup of everything if you can so you can more quickly turnover the home for your next guests.

Washable Shower Curtain Liners

One of the best choices we have made is purchasing machine washable shower curtain liners for our showers. The plastic ones are too difficult to clean well. With the white fabric shower curtain liners you can easily bleach the bottoms of those suckers where the mildew usually builds up and throw them in the washing machine on hot to get it properly sanitized and clean! No need to put it in the dryer either. Just hang it back up on the shower hooks to dry. Done.


If you haven't read my other article about 5 Major Do's When Furnishing a Rental, check that out here. Starting a furnished rental during the pandemic definitely prompted this rule of ours. We furnish our rentals with white sheets, white towels, white duvets/comforters. Why? Because for maximum cleanliness we can bleach those babies! Not only does white just look clean, it tells no lies. You can tell by looking at it if is clean. Optimal transparency. And that's what we aim for as Airbnb Superhosts.

Now, at our own home, we don't do white. Our home is our space and I know (at least I hope I do) where we have been etc. For guests, I don't want them wondering. I want them to feel safe, clean, and comfortable. Period.

One more thing...colored sheets and towels are done for if they get any bleach on or near them. There are some soaps and ointments that discolor fabrics and there is no getting that color back. They are done.

In our years of experience, the likelihood of colored sheets and towels getting discolored compared to the white sheets and towels getting so stained that bleach, stain remover etc, cannot get it out, is higher. So save yourself the trouble and opt for white.

Blankets on the other hand or accent pillow - get color, textures, etc! This is where you add the personality to your space or bedding to compliment the decor of your room. PLEASE add some color...or it will look so clean yet uninviting.

An extra note...just like anything that gets a lot of TLC, things will start to get worn out after a while. When your sheets and towels start to look drab, replace them and retire them to cleaning rags. Your guests will appreciate it.

natural cleaning supplies

Cleaning Supplies

Always, always, always include cleaning supplies in your furnished rental, especially if you rent to midterm guests. This will encourage cleanliness from your guests and the overall hygiene and maintenance of your property.

Welcome Book

Staying at a hotel is pretty straightforward. And if you have a question about how something works, you can just call the front desk. But staying at a furnished rental is different. Every home has its own quirks and unique things about it that aren't always intuitive upon arrival.

Save yourself the concierge call and communicate the things your guests needs to know upon arrival in a Welcome Book. This is an absolute must at our properties.

In the Welcome Book we include a brief welcome message, wifi details, important things to know (like where to find the fire extinguisher, first aid kit or electric panel in case of emergency), the house rules, and very importantly - the checkout procedures!

I personally do not like "living" on my phone, and I don't like my hubs glued to it we proactively thought through all the questions guests might ask when staying at a property and included them in the handy dandy Welcome Book. We are thankful for it, and so are our guests.

An added bonus is that having the house rules and checkout procedures physically printed and in view, adds to the likelihood of them getting followed. Though these things are included in the booking platform apps, you really want it right there in front of them. It truly helps.

As a brand designer specializing in the corporate housing industry, one of the items I offer clients is a personalized/branded Welcome Book. I design and cater the life-saving document to their listing needs and then they can print it out and place it in a nice binder at their property for guests to read upon arrival.

Need a Welcome Book?

For a limited time only, I'm offering a Welcome Book Template for purchase! This template is an exclusive offer through The Articles by Evari site.

If you are interested in branding for your furnished rental biz, let me know. Designs by Evari specializes in logos, brand guides, websites, business cards, and welcome books for new startups in the corporate housing industry.

There are more items I would include on this list but then it would get a little too long. Maybe I'll write a Part II to this article if that would be helpful?

If you are a host and have things you didn't know you needed that you now include at your listings, please share!

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