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  • Writer's pictureShannan Copland

How to style a shelf

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

For this article I primarily have my host friends in mind as they set up their furnished rentals. But it really can apply to anyone wanting to know how to style any shelf.

styled shelf

Believe it or not, but there is strategy and considerable thought behind what goes on the shelves of Evari Properties. On one hand, I wish I just had the right stuff and poof it organizes itself in an aesthetically inviting way and I get to walk away. But it doesn't. And I'll have to admit, this is one of the things I really enjoy doing when setting up a property! Decorating. Yes.

This process to styling a great shelf in the end is mostly subjective. But there are some common rules of thumb to go by on how to style a shelf that are sure to provide aesthetic appeal. If you really have no idea where to start, here is a very simple guide to styling your shelves to look great.

First you will want to gather all of the things you want to go on the shelf. These things matter. If you are decorating for a furnished rental, think through your color pallet and also think of what actually seems practical to have on those shelves.

Gather objects that pull colors and textures from your room.

Here are examples of objects you may want to gather:

  • Books

  • Picture frames of varying sizes (for a rental, these should be scenic or abstract...not of real people)

  • Cute signage or words (like a sign that says "Get Cozy")

  • Plants of varying sizes

  • Decor bowls (with beads or potpourri)

  • Decorative boxes

  • Clock

  • Vases of varying sizes

  • Kick knacks (like a vintage camera, an artistic statue or figurine (go sparingly on these and if it something you might have found on your great grandmother's shelf, don't do it.)

  • Candle holders etc.

If you have wood accents in the room, find some objects that compliment that. Pull in whatever hardware metal colors you may have. For example, is the curtain rod black? Are the legs to the desk black? Find some objects with black.

And I have to highlight - always add plants! If you aren't sure what to add, find a plant. For a furnished rental, these should be faux plants of course (upkeep of houseplants at a rental is impractical). Plants add life and visual "freshness". Always have plants.

Next, if you do not want your guests lighting candles, make sure you get LED ones (or none at all). Do not include a candle in your decor if you do not want it lit.

Pick your starting point

Some people advise starting from the top shelf first. To me, this depends on how many shelves I have. If it is a big bookcase, I will start from the middle or the main focal point of the shelves. If there are just two, then starting at the top is a pretty good idea.

When people start, they usually go gung-ho first but if you are working with a lot of shelves, you won't want the best pieces on the top. You'll likely will want them in the middle or upper middle.

Evaluate your items by size.

Your larger items will draw in the most attention. So you likely will not want to put them next to each other. If there is a particular item you have that you want to be more of a focal piece, place that item first, then work your way around it.

How to style a shelf - Follow the Rule of 3's

My mom was a wonderful interior decorator and I remember her telling me about the rule of 3's. When styling a table or a shelf, she always advised using an odd number of objects. There is a bit of psychology behind it that reveals people are more engaged visually when they see a group of three items. This rule is used often in marketing and in displays.

So if I have two shelves, I'll start decorating the top shelf first. I'll likely decorate it completely from one end to the other, or just with some objects of varying heights in the very middle. This is my visual 1.

Then the bottom shelf I will add things in two clusters. This completes the visual rule of 3's.

Here's a visual worth a million explanations that will help.

drawing of shelves with decor items
A silly hand sketch by yours truly

The easiest method for more than two shelves, I would suggest, is to just follow this pattern. Decorate a full shelf, then just two clusters on the next, then just one cluster of items in the middle on the next shelf...working your way down.

One thing I strongly suggest for hosts is not to over clutter your shelves. But don't let them look naked either. Keep it minimal but tasteful. If it is too minimal, it doesn't feel very cozy. But over cluttered can feel like you are imposing on someone else's space, which also isn't very welcoming.

Stand back and get a wider view.

Step back to get a better overall view of how it is going. Where is your eye drawn towards? How do you feel when you look at the shelf? Does it feel chaotic or empty? Does it give you that relaxing"Ahh" feeling yet? Keep playing with the items you have using varying heights of objects that compliment one another. You may just need to go grab another plant to fill a hole or a few more books.

There are a good amount of videos and tutorials on shelf styling out there. But I know it can get overwhelming. To simplify your life, stick to the rule of 3's and you will do great!

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